(Hardcover) Cover Art for E.B Brooks' Book 1 of 'EMISSARY' Series - EMISSARY. I was commissioned to bring the essence of this book to life. Print and ebook with the updated covers will be available on Amazon and Goodreads soon. 

 (Paperback) Cover Art for E.B Brooks' Book 1 of 'EMISSARY' Series - EMISSARY. I was commissioned to bring the essence of this book to life. Print and ebook with the updated covers will be available on Amazon and Goodreads soon. 

(Hardcover) Cover Art for E.B Brooks' Book 2 of 'EMISSARY' Series - SANDSTORM. I was commissioned to bring a a dynamic scene from his book to life. The ebook and print versions are now available on Amazon and Goodreads.

(Paperback) Cover Art for E.B Brooks' Book 2 of 'EMISSARY' Series - SANDSTORM. I was commissioned to bring a a dynamic scene from his book to life. The ebook and print versions are now available on Amazon and Goodreads.

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